walking con·sens·us walk as a group wherever you want at any moment in optimum con·sens·us con·sens·us happens when there is a multiway flux of agreement on at least a sensory level and when this is expressed into action. there is a state of being together that can exceed rational understanding and agree towards micro- / macro cosmic dimensions translated into this space and time. > when do you feel like you are walking together, as a group? con·sens·us can reach this state every time again whenever and wherever it is performed. the performers are invited to use their sensitivity AND sensibility to go for what the score can offer them. > how many ways are there to arrive at this feeling? this score is best realised as part of a workshop that also introduces body/mind-awareness techniques and uses the score as a central module that is continuously refined. depending on the background of the participants, different set-ups of time are needed. there should always be a well-warmed indoor space available with a smooth wooden floor. > it's good to start slow, but then it's also good to try as many as possible within the time you have acknowledgments: walking con·sens·us has been created and developed by Thomas Körtvélyessy. it draws heavily from - (contact-) improvisation - methods influenced by Augusto Boal, learned at "Devising Dialogue" by Leslie Bentley and Larry Bogad, PSi5, Aberystwyth, Wales 1999 - 'fish-swarm' a choreographic element of the piece "massa confusa" directed by Manfred Schmidt, choreography Andreas Simon, tatraum theater, Düsseldorf 2001 - the Kinetic Awareness® work and choreography of Elaine Summers - the concepts of 'ethical reformation' and 'responsible anarchy' coined by Mary O"Donnell-Fulkerson © 2006 by Thomas Körtvélyessy. all rights reserved. to get a license-permission please contact info@realdancecompany.org the original license to non-commercially share this score has been withdrawn by the author as of July 25th 2007. |